Top 5 cheapest Country to visit


1} Vietnam

Vietnam is a country that reveals itself only to the determined seeker. Located in Southeast Asia, you will stumble upon numerous things in this gem of a country in a budget-friendly way. It nestles the largest cave of Asia, Ha long Bay, islands, forests, religious places and more. The Marble mountains and green paddy farms cobbled together to convince you to visit this place at least once. Known as the paradise of street food which includes traditional rice noodle soup, rice crepes and beef noodles, you can't miss the floating markets which are a joy for the bargaining-shopper. Kayaking is an enjoyable & very common mode of transport in Vietnam.

2} Thailand 

Thailand is the most travelled tourist destination for budget-friendly people and is the 20th most populous country in the world. It offers you interaction with friendly & gregarious people and diverse activities to experience. Starting from clubbing, diving into turquoise watered beaches, devouring on cheap street food, the chaotic markets where you can find anything that interests you, the night skyline, the authentic spas to relax your senses and last but not the least the polite and easy-going people of Thailand. Some of the few places that one must visit include Bangkok for its city parties, Pattaya for its nightlife, Chiang Rai for mountain trekking, Koh Samui and Krabi for the beautiful pristine beaches.

3} Singapore 

Singapore is filled with an unbelievable amount of creativity, culture and cuisines. It is the perfect combination of tall intricate buildings, islands and narrow streets which make it a fascinating country of Asia that you can visit with a small budget. Also called 'The Lion City', it remains in touch with the old heritage with a few glimpses of its culture in various decorated temples. Food being the most important part of a country's culture, Singapore provides with a variety of cuisines ranging from chicken rice, chilli crab and fish head curry to oyster omelettes and pork ribs. You will find various hawkers centres which are like a permanent food festival where food is cheap, quality is extremely high, and hygiene is something you don't have to worry about! 


4} Malaysia

 Sharing borders with Thailand, Indonesia and Brunei, Malaysia is in the equatorial region of the globe. The tropical rainforest climate covers this land throughout the year. If you are someone looking mountain ranges, forested hills and coastal plains, Malaysia is your destination. The Megadiverse country is estimated to contain 20% of the world's number of species. Hosting a wide range of Rafflesia genus, Malaysia is home to the largest flower in the world. With exotic dishes that blend Indian, Thai and Malay flavours, Malaysian food reflects its multi-ethnic culture. One of the gazetted festivities of Malaysia is Thaipusam with colorful, exhilarating and joyous celebrations. 

5} Sri Lanka

With mesmeric beaches, quaint places, historical monuments, hill stations, bustling cities and mouth-watering seafood with places that'll serve you with peace and chaos. If you want city life, then Colombo and Negombo are the best choices. If cold weather, tea plantations, and waterfalls captivate you, then Nuwara Eliya and Kandy are the places you would want to visit. Positioned in the Indian Ocean, it has the best shorelines and seafood to stomach.
